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Up: List of Errata
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p 385, Exercise 1: change ``terms'' to ``term''.
- p 388, Figure 4a: the angle
is wrongly indicated; it is the
angle from the ``Real'' axis to V.
- p 388, Figure 4b:
should point to the projection of
V to I (and not to V itself).
- p 389, Figure 5a: the symbol V along the arrow is missing.
- p 389, Figure 5c: replace S = |V||I| by
(or |S| = |V||I|).
- p 389, Figure 5d: replace
p 398, second paragraph: drop the C in
- p 398, first paragraph after heading ``Maximum Power Transfer'':
replace reference to Chapter 5 by reference to Chapter 3.
p 404, Equation 23, second line: the factor j in the exponents is
missing twice.
p 412, Figure P9: replace
p 413, Figure P16: replace
p 414, Figure P23: the values in the right half of the circuit should
be in
(and not in
Sabih Gerez
Fri Sep 29 13:19:05 METDST 2000