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Up: List of Errata
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- p 342, first paragraph: replace
- p 344, Equation 10: add = 0 after the equation.
- p 344, bottom equation: replace k+1 by k = 1.
- p 364, Exercise 12: cannot be made as
is not identified and the
value of
is unknown.
- p 365, Figure 19b: replace
by Z.
- p 365, Equation 22: replace `-' by `+' in the last denominator.
- p 366, Figure 21c: add dots at both upper ends of transformer.
p 368, Figure 23: replace
; change the source voltage value to
p 379, Problem 41: replace
Sabih Gerez
Fri Sep 29 13:19:05 METDST 2000