Project TRA: Data-Flow-Graphs Transformations
This project is a compulsory part of the examination for the
Implementation of Digital Signal Processing
course at the University of Twente. The goals of this
project are:
- To apply the theory of data-flow-graph (DFG) transformations.
- To evaluate the effect of such transformations on the
implementation of DFGs.
- To demonstrate the use of Arx in the verification of such
This project is a continuation of Project
MAP. The DFG to be used is the second-order IIR filter of that
project. For the Arx exercises, the files provided for Project MAP
should be used as a starting point including the values for the
filter coefficients.
Exercise TRA-1: Pipelining and Retiming for Non-Overlapped Scheduling
Consider the second-order IIR filter of project MAP. The intention is
to find the fastest possible non-overlapped schedule for the
filter as in Exercise MAP-5. However, prior to scheduling, you are
requested to apply a sequence of pipelining and retiming
transformations to the DFG with the goal of minimizing the critical
path. As before, you can assume that a multiplication requires two
clock cycles and an addition one. Illustrate each step in the sequence
by drawing the intermediate DFGs and the final one.
Next to the primary goal of minimizing the critical path, consider the
reduction of hardware resources in the eventual implementation as a
secondary optimization goal.
Comment on the effects of the transformation on
the critical loop.
Exercise TRA-2: Data-Flow Verification
Verify the correctness of your solution for TRA-1 by creating a model
in Arx and simulating it. Use the data-flow coding style as in file
sec_df2.arx for this purpose.
When simulating with the same input stream as in MAP-1,
do you expect any difference in the output? Motivate your answer and
the check whether the actual output stream shows the behavior that you
Exercise TRA-3: Scheduled Implemenation and Verification
Now, perform the scheduling of your solution and then fill all details
on registers, multiplexers etc., as in MAP-5. Present as well a block
diagram of the data path for this solution.
Then, check the correctness of this new design by running a
simulation and showing that the produced output is exactly equal to
the one of TRA-2 (when receiving the same input stream, of course).
Include waveforms in your report from which it can be seen that
multiplications have stable inputs during two consecutive clock cycles
preceding the moment their outputs are used (simulate in C++ with VCD
or in VHDL).
After having observed that the implementation has the expected
output, synthesize the new design. Comment on the results comparing
the new performance figures to the area and time numbers as reported
in Exercise MAP-6.
Exercise TRA-4: Unfolding with a Factor 2
Unfold the original DFG from Project MAP (so not the modified one of
TRA-1) by a factor of two. Do this in such a way that the topology of
the original filter can be recognized in the unfolded graph as drawn
by you. Assuming that a multiplication requires two clock cycles and
an addition one, comment on the effects of the transformation on the
critical path and the critical loop.
Exercise TRA-5: Data-Flow Verification of Unfolded Graph
Verify the correctness of your solution for TRA-4 by creating a model
in Arx and simulating it. Use the data-flow coding style as in file
sec_df2.arx for this purpose.
When simulating with the same input stream as in MAP-1,
do you expect any difference in the output? Motivate your answer and
the check whether the actual output stream shows the behavior that you
Note: Unfolding with a factor of 2 implies that in each
iteration 2 inputs are consumed and 2 outputs are produced. In order
to make the simulation work, you will need to adapt the C++ testbench
code accordingly. The modified testbench code should be part of the
Write a short report always motivating your choices and explaining the
way you have reached your answers. Do not be verbose. In particular,
do not copy the entire project description in your report. On the
other hand, be as complete as possible providing details of your
solutions by means of diagrams, (data-flow) graphs, tables, etc.
For Exercises involving Arx, supply the Arx code written by you,
modified testbench code,
waveforms obtained from VHDL or C++ simulations (when applicable),
Matlab plots, synthesis results, etc.
- TRA-1: 2 points
- TRA-2: 1 point
- TRA-3: 3 points
- TRA-4: 3 points
- TRA-5: 3 points
Last update on:
Thu Mar 6 19:23:03 CET 2025
by Sabih Gerez.