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- p 172, Figure 1(b): replace the voltage source by a current source
with the arrow pointing up; change Equation 1(b) to
- p 173: do not bother about calculating the power for the example of
Figure 2; power calculations for sinusoidal signals will only be discussed
in Chapter 12.
- p 173, Figure 2(a): replace
- p 174, equations at the page's top: it would be more consistent of
the author to define the Ohm's Law equation for Branch 1 (the accompanied
current source) as:
and the KCL equation for the top
left node as
. Of course, the same results as the book are
obtained after solving the equations.
- p 176, Equation Set 4: replace
in second equation by
- p 177, third paragraph: replace ``(Look back at Figure 12 ...'' by
``(Look back at Figure 14 ...''.
- p 182, Answer to Exercise 1: there are 13 trees and not 10.
- p 187, Figures 11(a+b): add label ``5'' to the center node.
p 188, Exercise 4: replace ``solid branches'' by ``solid twigs''.
- p 194, Figure 15(c): replace voltage source by a current source with
arrow pointing up; note that
in Figures 15(b+c) is referred to as
in the text.
p 198, Figure 18(b): place a node at the point marked
- p 200, Figure 19(b): Branches 1 and 3 should be dashed lines; note
that the branch orientation in the graph follows the orientation of the
resistors in the accompanied sources; the label
is missing in
Figure 19(c).
p 210: add before last sentence: The controlled source
coefficient is also in mS.
- p 208, Figure 24(d), add
to the CCVS.
- p 209, first paragraph: ``include the dissipative multiterminal
components introduced in the preceding chapter'' is a wrong
formulation as the multierminal components do not dissipate energy,
some of them even generate energy.
- p 210, second equation from bottom: replace
- p 210, Figure 26: the arrow of the controlled source should
point downwards.
p 213: add word ANSWER above matrix on top of the page.
p 213, second paragraph, in the sentence between
parentheses: insert ``source'' after ``voltage''.
- p 213, sets of equations at the bottom: replace
in the second equation of the first set; replace twice
in the right-hand side of the second equation of the second set.
- p 221, Figure 34(b): the lowest of the two resistors with label
should have label
- p 222, Figure 35: replace
; arrow of CCCS should point
- p 224, Figure 38(a): arrow of CCCS should point down.
- p 232, Problem 3b: there are 24 trees and not 21.
- p 232, Problem 4b: there are 73 trees and not 41.
- p 234, Problem 9: insert after first sentence: The given
objective is to solve for each resistor current.
p 238, Problem 31: delete ``same'' in the first sentence.

Next: Chapter 6
Up: List of Errata
Previous: Chapter 4
Sabih Gerez
Fri Sep 29 13:19:05 METDST 2000