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Up: List of Errata
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- p 67, Exercise 1: replace KLV by KVL (Kirchhoff's Voltage Law).
- p 69, Figure 5(b): the voltage across
should be
of v;
is missing altogether in Figure 5(a).
- p 78, Figure 13(a): interchange plus and minus signs of source
- p 80, Answer to Exercise 6:
- p 82, one but last paragraph saying ``They all consist of resistors
and sources'': be aware that an independent source is not a linear
element; that is the reason why all sources are made inactive when
applying superposition.
- p 85-86, Proof of Thévenin's Theorem: the proof is not consistent
as one hand the assumption is made that the load may be nonlinear and on
the other hand the principle of superposition is used. A correct proof can
e.g. be found in: Chua, L.O., C.A. Desoer and E.S. Kuh, Linear
and Nonlinear Circuits, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, (1987).
p 87, Figure 20(a+b): interchange plus and minus signs of
90 V source. In the second edition, this error was corrected by
introducing new errors. Therefore: the voltage value next to the
source in Figure 20(d) should be -24 V;
the second equation on the next page should read
- p 120, Figure P39: the value of
and not
Sabih Gerez
Fri Sep 29 13:19:05 METDST 2000