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- p 495, caption of Figure 5: replace ``RC impedance'' by ``factors in
the RC admittance'' (the symbols for the pole
and zero
refer to the admittance).
- p 495, last line: replace ``6b'' by ``6a''.
- p 501, Exercise 2: no specifications regarding to the series/parallel
form of the resonant circuit are provided; the answers given are consistent
with a series circuit. By the way, the topic of the exercise better
fits in Chapter 11 rather than Chapter 12.
- p 516, Figure 18: the scale used is inaccurate; for example, the
curve of
should reach up to 14 dB.
- p 517, Figure 19: replace values on horizontal scale ``--1, 0, 1, 10,
100'' by ``--2, --1, 0, 1, 2'';
- p 517, six corrections in text following Equation 41: replace
; replace u=1 in the next
line by u=0; replace a few lines lower ``from u=0 to u=10'' by ``from
u=-1 to u=1''; replace in the next line u=1 by u=0; do the same two
lines below; replace ``at
and 10'' by ``at u=-1 and
- p 519, first paragraph under heading ``Bode Diagrams'': replace
``whch'' by ``which''.
- p 521, Figure 21: the whole graph should be lowered by 20 dB.
p 532, Problem 24a: replace
p 532, Figure P25: replace the VCCS symbol by a VCVS symbol.
Sabih Gerez
Fri Sep 29 13:19:05 METDST 2000