Hints for Literature Research

This page gives some guidelines on how to find technical literature. It is targeted to students supervised by myself, but may be useful for a wider audience.

Table of contents:

Note: This page contains links to commercial sites that are only accessible from the utwente.nl domain because of campus licenses bought by the University of Twente Library (other universities or individuals may also have a license, of course).

Types of Literature

Almost any practical project at university starts with an orientation on the topic of the project by studying the relevant literature. This literature may consist of:

Search procedures

Suppose that you want to collect literature about some topic. What can you do?

Obtaining the literature

Suppose that you have identified the items that you want to read, how do you obtain them?


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Last update on: Tue Jan 30 23:57:29 CET 2024 by Sabih Gerez.