Programming Projects
This page contains examples of programming projects that are used as part
of the examination of the course CAD
Tools for VLSI as taught at the University of Twente. The course has a
study load of 100 hours. 40 of these are reserved for attending the
lectures and studying the book. 60 are spent on a programming project.
The results of this project combined with a short oral examination on the
theory determine the mark for the course.
The goal of the programming project is to see whether a student is able
to convert the theoretical description of one or more algorithms into a
functioning implementation. The book provides the basic theory. Besides,
each project requires the study of at least one scientific paper. It is a
characteristic of a scientific paper that the essence of an algorithm is
presented and details are left out. The student should prove his or her
knowledge of the field by correctly filling in those details when making the
A student should hand over
the following items after
termination of the project:
- A short report (5 to 10 pages) documenting the program.
It consists of a description of the
main data structures and procedures (using pseudo-code),
a motivation of the choices made,
an analysis of the time complexity, and a presentation of some results
(see also the
hints for report writing that are actually meant for reports of a
larger size).
- A listing of all the code written with sufficient comment to
make the code easily understandable.
- The program itself (delivered e.g. by email)
such that it can be tested.
Descriptions of the following projects are available:
Note: students of the University of Twente, can obtain a
copy of the article(s) on which a project is based, from Sabih Gerez;
students from elsewhere should get the article(s) from their local library
or their instructor.
Last update on:
Sun Jun 1 19:57:07 MEST 2008
by Sabih Gerez.