List of Publications of Sabih Gerez

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 [1]  Gerez, S.H., "Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation", John Wiley and
      Sons, Chichester, (1999).


 [1]  Gerez, S.H., "Local  Wire  Routing  by  Stepwise  Reshaping",  Ph.D.
      Thesis,  University  of  Twente,  Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
      (December 1989).

 [2]  Gerez, S.H., "Minimization  and  Layout  Generation  Algorithms  for
      Random  Logic",  M.Sc.  Thesis,  University of Twente, Department of
      Electrical Engineering, (November 1984).

Journal Papers

 [1]  Ranasinghe,  A.C.  and  S.H. Gerez, "Glitch-Optimized Circuit Blocks
      for Low-Power High-Performance Booth Multipliers", IEEE Transactions
      on  Very  Large  Scale  Integration  (VLSI)  Systems, Vol. 28(9), pp
      2028-2041, (September 2020).

 [2]  Gillani,  G.A., M.A. Hanif, B. Verstoep, S.H. Gerez, M. Shafique and
      A.B.J. Kokkeler , "MACISH: Designing  Approximate  MAC  Accelerators
      With  Internal-Self-Healing",  IEEE  Access, Vol. 7, pp 77142-77160,

 [3]  Gillani,  G.A.,  M.A.  Hanif,  M. Krone, S.H. Gerez, M. Shafique and
      A.B.J. Kokkeler, "Squash: Approximate Square-Accumulate  With  Self-
      Healing", IEEE Access, Vol. 6, pp 49112-49128, (2018).

 [4]  Bruintjes, T.M., K.H.G. Walters, S.H. Gerez, B. Molenkamp and G.J.M.
      Smit, "Sabrewing: A Lightweight Architecture for Combined  Floating-
      Point  and Integer Arithmetic", ACM Transactions on Architecture and
      Code Optimization, Vol. 8(4), (January 2012).

 [5]  Bazen,  A.M.  and  S.H.  Gerez,  "Fingerprint Matching by Thin-Plate
      Spline  Modelling  of  Elastic  Deformations",  Pattern  Recognition
      Letters, Vol. 36(8), pp 1859-1867, (August 2003).

 [6]  Bazen, A.M. and S.H. Gerez, "Systematic Methods for the  Computation
      of the Directional Field  and Singular Points of Fingerprints", IEEE
      Transactions on Pattern  Analysis  and  Machine  Intelligence,  Vol.
      24(7), (July 2002).

 [7]  Heemstra de Groot, S.M.,  S.H.  Gerez  and  O.E.  Herrmann,  "Range-
      Chart-Guided    Iterative    Data-Flow-Graph    Scheduling",    IEEE
      Transactions on Circuits  and  Systems  I:  Fundamental  Theory  and
      Applications, Vol. 39(5), pp 351-364, (May 1992).

 [8]  Gerez,  S.H.,  S.M.  Heemstra  de  Groot  and  O.E.   Herrmann,   "A
      Polynomial-Time  Algorithm  for  the  Computation  of the Iteration-
      Period Bound in Recursive Data-Flow Graphs",  IEEE  Transactions  on
      Circuits  and  Systems  I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol.
      39(1), pp 49-52, (January 1992).

 [9]  Gerez, S.H.  and  O.E.  Herrmann,  "Switchbox  Routing  by  Stepwise
      Reshaping", IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated
      Circuits and Systems, Vol. 8(12), pp 1350-1361, (December 1989).

[10]  Spaanenburg, L., M. Beunder, F.A. Beune, S.H.  Gerez,  B.  Holstein,
      R.C.C. Luchtmeijer, J. Smit, A. van der Werf and H. Willems, "MOD/R:
      A Knowledge  Assisted  Approach  towards  Top-Down  only  CMOS  VLSI
      Design",   Microprocessing   and   Microprogramming,  The  Euromicro
      Journal, Vol. 16(2&3), pp 83-88, (September/October 1985).

Book Chapters

 [1]  Gerez,  S.H.,   "Ontwerptraject  Digitale  IC's",  (in  Dutch),  In:
      Leerdam, H.S. van, R.P. Mertens, A.J.M. Montagne and G.A. Schwippert
      (Eds.),   Poly-Elektronica   Zakboek,   Derde   geheel  herziene  en
      geactualiseerde druk, Reed Business, pp C4/1-C4/58, (2007).

 [2]  Bazen,  A.M.,  R.N.J.  Veldhuis  and S.H. Gerez, "Hybrid Fingerprint
      Matching using Minutiae and Shape", In: M. Sarfraz  (Ed.),  Computer
      Aided  Intelligent  Recognition  Techniques  and  Applications, John
      Wiley and Sons, pp 119-130, (2005).

 [3]  Bazen,  A.M.  and  S.H.  Gerez,  "Achievements  and   Challenges  in
      Fingerprint  Recognition",  In:  D. Zhang (Ed.), Biometric Solutions
      For  Authentication  in  an  E-World,  Kluwer  Academic  Publishers,
      Boston, (2002).

 [4]  Gerez,  S.H.,  S.M.  Heemstra  de  Groot,  E.R.  Bonsma  and  M.J.M.
      Heijligers,   "Overlapped   Scheduling   Techniques  for  High-Level
      Synthesis and Multiprocessor Realizations of  DSP  Algorithms",  In:
      J.C.   Lopez,  R.  Hermida  and  W.  Geisselhardt  (Eds.),  Advanced
      Techniques for Embedded System  Design  and  Test,  Kluwer  Academic
      Publishers, pp 125-150, (1998).

 [5]  Smit, J., B.J.F. van Beijnum, S.H. Gerez and R.J.  Mulder,  "Proving
      Correctness  of  Digital  Designs  in  the  Multidimensional  Design
      Space", In: D. Borrione (Ed.), From HDL Descriptions  to  Guaranteed
      Correct Circuit Designs, North Holland, Amsterdam, pp 71-88, (1987).

 [6]  Smit, J., O. Herrmann, S. Gerez, R. Luchtmeijer, R.  Mulder  and  L.
      Spaanenburg,  "Syntactic  and  Semantic  Definition of MoDL", In: P.
      Dewilde (Ed.), The Integrated Circuit Design Book, Delft  University
      Press, Delft, The Netherlands, (1986).

Refereed Conference Papers

 [1]  Ranasinghe,  A.C.  and  S.H.  Gerez,  "Novel Ultra-Low-Voltage Flip-
      Flops:  Near-Vth  Modeling  and   VLSI   Integration",   IEEE   39th
      International  Conference  on  Computer  Design  (ICCD),  pp  57-65,
 [2]  Ranasinghe,  A.C.  and  S.H. Gerez, "MEPNTC: A Standard-Cell Library
      Design Scheme Extending the Minimum-Energy-Point Operation of  Near-
      Vth  Computing",  IEEE  38th  International  Conference  on Computer
      Design (ICCD), pp 96-104, (2020).

 [3]  Ranasinghe,  A.C.  and  S.H.  Gerez,   "Ultra-Low   Voltage   4-to-2
      Compressors for Near-Vth Computing", IEEE International Symposium on
      Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), (2020).

 [4]  Walters,  K.H.G., S.H. Gerez, G.J.M. Smit, G.K. Rauwerda, S. Baillou
      and  R.  Trauntner,  "Multicore  SoC  for  On-Board  Payload  Signal
      Processing",  NASA/ESA  Conference  on Adaptive Hardware and Systems
      (AHS), pp 17-21, (July 2011).

 [5]  Walters,  K.H.G., A.B.J. Kokkeler, S.H. Gerez and G.J.M. Smit, "Low-
      Complexity  Hyperspectral  Image  Compression   on   a   Multi-Tiled
      Architecture", NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems,
      AHS 2009, pp 330-335, (2009).

 [6]  Hofstra,  K.L.  and  S.H.  Gerez,  "Arx: A Toolset for the Efficient
      Simulation  and  Direct  Synthesis   of    High-Performance   Signal
      Processing Algorithms", International Conference on High Performance
      Embedded  Architectures  and  Compilers,  Ghent,  Belgium,  (January

 [7]  Gerez,  S.H.  and J. de Zoeten, "A Conversion Tool for the Synthesis
      of  SystemC  Fixed-Point  Data  Types  by  the   CoCentric   SystemC
      Compiler",  Synopsys  User  Group  Conference,  SNUG Europe, Munich,
      Germany, (May 2004).

 [8]  Bazen, A.M. and S.H. Gerez, "Elastic Minutiae Matching by  Means  of
      Thin-Plate  Spline  Models",  International  Conference  on  Pattern
      Recognition, ICPR 2002, (August 2002).

 [9]  Bazen, A.M. and S.H. Gerez,  "An  Intrinsic  Coordinate  System  for
      Fingerprint  Matching",  3rd  International Conference on Audio- and
      Video-Based  Biometric   Person  Authentication,  Halmstad,  Sweden,
      (June 2001).

[10]  Tangelder, R.J.W.T., H. De Vries, E.A.M.  Klumperink,  H.  Snijders,
      H.G.   Kerkhoff,  J.  Smit,  S.H.  Gerez and H. Speek, "Mixed-Signal
      Testing at the ASIC Design Course  at  Twente  University",  In:  B.
      Courtois,  N.  Guillemot,  G.  Kamarinos  and  G.  Stehelin  (Eds.),
      Microelectronics Education, Kluwer Academic  Publishers,  Dordrecht,
      pp 205-208, (2000).

[11]  Tangelder, R.J.W.T., S.H. Gerez, H.G. Kerkhoff,  E.A.M.  Klumperink,
      J.  Smit,  H.  Snijders,  H. Speek and H. de Vries, "The ASIC Design
      Course  at  Twente",  2nd  European  Workshop  on   Microelectronics
      Education, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, (May 1998).

[12]  Gerez, S.H. and E.G. Woutersen, "Assignment  of  Storage  Values  to
      Read-Write  Memories",  European  Design  Automation Conference with
      EURO-VHDL, EURO-DAC '96, pp 302-307, (September 1996).

[13]  Gerez, S.H. and E.G. Woutersen, "A High-Level Synthesis Tool for the
      Assignment  of  Storage  Values to  Sequential Read-Write Memories",
      IFIP TC 10 WG 10.5 International Workshop on Logic and  Architecture
      Synthesis, Grenoble, pp 220-230, (December 1995).

[14]  Heemstra de Groot,  S.M.  and  S.H.  Gerez,  "Static  Scheduling  of
      Multirate  Iterative Data-Flow Graphs Using the Range-Chart Method",
      4th Conference on Advances in Communications and Control, COMCON  4,
      Rhodes, Greece, pp 202-211, (1994).

[15]  Olah, A., S.H. Gerez and S.M. Heemstra  de  Groot,  "Scheduling  and
      Allocation  for  the  High-Level  Synthesis  of  DSP  Algorithms  by
      Exploitation of Data Transfer Mobility", International Conference on
      Computer  Systems and Software Engineering, CompEuro 92, pp 145-150,
      (May 1992).

[16]  Smit, J., S.H. Gerez and R. Mulder,  "Application  of  a  Structured
      LISP  System to Computer Algebra", In: J.H. Davenport (Ed.), EUROCAL
      '87, European  Conference  on  Computer  Algebra,  Springer  Verlag,
      Lecture Notes in Computer Science, no. 378, (1989).

[17]  Gerez, S.H. and O.E. Herrmann, "Packer: A Switchbox Router Based  on
      Conflict   Elimination   by  Local  Transformations",  International
      Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp 961-964, (1989).

[18]  Gerez, S.H. and O.E. Herrmann, "CRACKER: A General Area Router Based
      on  Stepwise  Reshaping", International Conference on Computer-Aided
      Design, pp 44-47, (1989).

[19]  Smit, J., B.J.F.  van  Beijnum,  S.H.  Gerez,  R.J.  Mulder  and  L.
      Spaanenburg,  "The  MoDL  Hardware Design System", In: M. Barbacci &
      C.J. Koomen (Eds.), CHDL 87, Computer Hardware Description Languages
      and Their Applications, Amsterdam, (1987).

[20]  Beijnum, B.J.F. van, Smit, J., Gerez, S.H. and Heemstra,  S.M.,  "On
      Guaranteed  Correct  Digital  Designs",  In:  W.E.  Proebster and H.
      Reiner (Eds.), COMPEURO '87, pp 455-458, (May 1987).

Non-Refereed Conference Papers

 [1]  Walters,  K.H.G.,  G.J.M.  Smit  and  S.H.  Gerez, "Discrete Wavelet
      Transform on Dynamically Reconfigurable Hardware", On-Board  Payload
      Data Compression Workshop, Noordwijk, (June 2008).

 [2]  Kampen,   D.   van,   K.L.   Hofstra,  J.  Potman  and  S.H.  Gerez,
      "Implementation  of  a   Combined   OFDM-Demodulation   and   WCDMA-
      Equalization  Module",  Annual  Workshop  on  Circuits,  Systems and
      Signal  Processing,  ProRISC  2006,  Veldhoven,   The   Netherlands,
      (November 2006).

 [3]  Hofstra, K.L., S.H. Gerez and D. van Kampen, "A Language and Toolset
      for the  Synthesis  and  Efficient  Simulation  of  Clock-Cycle-True
      Signal-Processing  Algorithms",  16th  Annual  Workshop on Circuits,
      Systems  and  Signal  Processing,  ProRISC  2005,   Veldhoven,   The
      Netherlands, (November 2005).

 [4]  Kapoor,  A.,  S.H.  Gerez,  F.W.  Hoeksema  and  R.  Schiphorst,  "A
      Reconfigurable  Tile-Based  Architecture  to  Compute  FFT  and  FIR
      Functions  in  the  Context  of Software-Defined Radio", 16th Annual
      Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing,  ProRISC  2005,
      Veldhoven, The Netherlands, (November 2005).

 [5]  Kauffman,  J.A.,  A.M. Bazen, S.H. Gerez and R.N.J. Veldhuis, "Grip-
      Pattern Recognition for Smart Guns", ProRISC Workshop  on  Circuits,
      Systems and Signal Processing, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, (2003).

 [6]  Bazen, A.M. and S.H. Gerez, "Thin-Plate Spline Modeling  of  Elastic
      Deformations  in Fingerprints", Third IEEE Benelux Signal Processing
      Symposium, SPS-2002, (2002).

 [7]  Bazen, A.M. and S.H. Gerez, "Segmentation  of  Fingerprint  Images",
      ProRISC  2001  Workshop  on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing,
      Veldhoven, The Netherlands, (November 2001).

 [8]  Boer, J. de,  A.M.  Bazen  and  S.H.  Gerez,  "Indexing  Fingerprint
      Databases  Based  on  Multiple  Features",  ProRISC 2001 Workshop on
      Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Veldhoven, The Netherlands,
      (November 2001).

 [9]  Bazen,   A.M.,  M.  van  Otterlo,  M.  Poel  and  S.H.   Gerez,   "A
      Reinforcement   Learning   Agent   for   Minutiae   Extraction  from
      Fingerprints", Belgian-Dutch Conference on  Artificial  Intelligence
      (BNAIC'01), Amsterdam, (2001).

[10]  Bazen, A.M. and  S.H.  Gerez,  "The  Construction  of  an  Intrinsic
      Coordinate  System  for Fingerprint Matching", 7th Annual Conference
      of the Advanced  School  for  Computing  and  Imaging,  Heijen,  The
      Netherlands, (2001).

[11]  Meulen, P.G.M. van der, H. Schipper,  A.M.  Bazen  and  S.H.  Gerez,
      "PMDGP:    A   Distributed   Object-Oriented   Genetic   Programming
      Environment", 7th Annual  Conference  of  the  Advanced  School  for
      Computing and Imaging, Heijen, The Netherlands, (2001).

[12]  Bazen, A.M. and S.H. Gerez,  "Extraction  of  Singular  Points  from
      Directional   Fields  of  Fingerprints",  Mobile  Communications  in
      Perspective,  Annual  CTIT  Workshop,  Enschede,  The   Netherlands,
      University   of  Twente,   Center  for  Telematics  and  Information
      Technology, (February 2001).

[13]  Bazen, A.M. and  S.H.  Gerez,  "Directional  Field  Computation  for
      Fingerprints  Based  on  the  Principal  Component Analysis of Local
      Gradients", ProRISC 2000 Workshop on Circuits,  Systems  and  Signal
      Processing, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, (November 2000).

[14]  Bazen, A.M., G.T.B. Verwaaijen, S.H. Gerez,  L.P.J.  Veelenturf  and
      B.J.  van  der  Zwaag, "A Correlation-Based Fingerprint Verification
      System", ProRISC 2000  Workshop  on  Circuits,  Systems  and  Signal
      Processing, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, (November 2000).

[15]  Meulen, P.G.M. van der, A.M. Bazen and S.H.  Gerez,  "A  Distributed
      Object-Oriented   Environment   for   the  Application  of   Genetic
      Programming  to  Signal  Processing",  ProRISC  2000   Workshop   on
      Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Veldhoven, The Netherlands,
      (November 2000).

[16]  Schiphorst, R., S.H. Gerez and C.H. Slump, "The Exploration  of  the
      Software-Defined   Radio  Concept  by  Prototyping  Transmitter  and
      Receiver Functions on a Digital  Signal  Processor",  PROGRESS  2000
      Workshop  on  Embedded  Systems,  Utrecht, The Netherlands, (October

[17]  Sindorf,  S.L.  and  S.H.  Gerez,  "An  Integer  Linear  Programming
      Approach  to the Overlapped Scheduling of Iterative Data-Flow Graphs
      for Target Architectures with Communication Delays",  PROGRESS  2000
      Workshop  on  Embedded  Systems,  Utrecht, The Netherlands, (October

[18]  Bazen,  A.M.   and  S.H.  Gerez,  "Computational   Intelligence   in
      Fingerprint  Identification",  2nd  IEEE  Benelux  Signal Processing
      Symposium, SPS-2000, Hilvarenbeek, The Netherlands, (March 2000).

[19]  Poiesz, P.W.G., S.H. Gerez and  E.R.  Bonsma,  "Generation,  Genetic
      Optimization  and  VHDL-Based  Verification  of   Detailed Iterative
      Static Schedules for Multiprocessor Systems",  ProRISC  10th  Annual
      Workshop  on  Circuits,  Systems  and Signal Processing, Mierlo, The
      Netherlands, (November 1999).

[20]  Bonsma, E.R. and S.H. Gerez, "A Genetic Approach to  the  Overlapped
      Scheduling  of  Iterative  Data-Flow Graphs for Target Architectures
      with Communication Delays", ProRISC Workshop  on  Circuits,  Systems
      and Signal Processing, (November 1997).

[21]  Rem,  F.,  S.H.  Gerez,  J.  Smit,  A.  Heubi,  M.  Ansorge  and  F.
      Pellandini,  "Power  Estimation  Techniques  for  the Purpose of the
      Architectural Synthesis of Digital Signal Processing  Algorithms  ",
      ProRISC   Workshop  on  Circuits,  Systems  and  Signal  Processing,
      (November 1997).

[22]  Bonsma, E.R. and S.H. Gerez, "Overlapped  Scheduling  of  Fine-Grain
      Iterative   Data-Flow   Graphs   for   Target   Architectures   with
      Communication Delays", 5th HCM BELSIGN Workshop,  Dresden,  Germany,
      (April 1997).

[23]  Woutersen, E.G. and S.H. Gerez, "Some Complexity Results  in  Memory
      Mapping", Third HCM BELSIGN Workshop, Corsica, (April 1996).

[24]  Woutersen, E.G. and  S.H.  Gerez,  "The  Application  of  Sequential
      Read-Write Memories in High-Level Synthesis", GRONICS '96: Groningen
      Information  Technology  Conference  for  Students,  Groningen,  The
      Netherlands, pp 93-100, (February 1996).

[25]  Gerez, S.H., M.L.M. de Jong and S.M. Heemstra  de  Groot,  "Special-
      Case  Techniques  for  the  Efficient  Computation of the Iteration-
      Period Bound in Multirate Data-Flow  Graphs",  ProRISC/IEEE  Benelux
      Workshop  on  Circuits,  Systems  and Signal Processing, Mierlo, The
      Netherlands, pp 107-116, (March 1995).

[26]  Glentis, G.O.  and  S.H.  Gerez,  "Very  High  Speed  Least  Squares
      Adaptive  Multichannel  Filtering", ProRISC/IEEE Benelux Workshop on
      Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Mierlo, The Netherlands, pp
      123-132, (March 1995).

[27]  Koster, M.S. and S.H. Gerez, "List Scheduling  for  Iterative  Data-
      Flow   Graphs",   GRONICS   '95,  Groningen  Information  Technology
      Conference for Students, pp 123-130, (February 1995).

[28]  Beijnum, B.J.F. van and S.H. Gerez, "Mapping Boolean Functions  onto
      Path-Driven  Restoring  Logic",  ProRISC  IEEE  Benelux  Workshop on
      Circuits, Systems and  Signal  Processing,  Houthalen,  Belgium,  pp
      127-134, (March 1993).

[29]  Heemstra de Groot, S.M., S.H. Gerez and H. Propitius, "Scheduling of
      Multirate  Iterative  Terminating and Nonterminating Processes Using
      the Range-Chart Method", ProRISC IEEE Benelux Workshop on  Circuits,
      Systems  and Signal Processing, Houthalen, Belgium, pp 63-70, (March

[30]  Herrmann, O.E., B.J.F. van Beijnum, S.H.  Gerez,  F.  El-Hadidy,  S.
      Heemstra de Groot, M. Janssens, J. Leenstra, J. Nijhuis, J. Smit, L.
      Spaanenburg and H. Speek, "A Wave Digital  Filter  Chip",  In:  O.E.
      Herrmann  and B.J.F. van Beijnum (Eds.), Lecture Notes of the Nelsis
      Project, (1988).

[31]  Smit, J., S.H. Gerez and R.J. Mulder, "MoDL, a  High-level  Hardware
      Description   Tool",   Proceedings   NGI-SION   1986,   Stimulerende
      Informatica, Stichting Informatica Congressen,  Amsterdam,  pp  201-
      212, (1986).

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